Happy Hour at North Market

What is Happy Hour?

Happy Hour (HH) is a program North Market has put together to better communicate, excite and encourage our customers to quickly buy food at a lower cost. As a grocery store committed to create a thriving North Minneapolis and dedicated to maintain the overall quality of life in our neighborhood, we want to reduce food waste while continuing to provide our guests with low prices.

North Market will be taking 50% off on selected items available for purchase during our “Happy Hour,” which occurs daily, 11am to 1pm and 4pm to 6pm.


What do you need to know?

All Happy Hour items are discounted food items close to their sell by date and will be discounted at the register. We guarantee that these items are safe to consume within the following 1-3 days of being labeled. Participating food items will be labeled with these stickers:

Depending on the seasonal/non-seasonal need of each product, all HH items are determined, marked, and managed on a day-to-day basis. Any expired HH items that are not yet purchased will be taken off the shelf. 


How to make use of HH items?

Here are some great ways to ensure you fully take advantage of our HH items:

  1. Check the meat counter for available options to cook a family meal the day of purchase!
  2. If available, grab a couple grocery, produce, or bakery items for lunch or a snack on the go!
  3. If available, incorporate ripe fruits into a treat, desert, or baked goodie for your kids!
  4. Share how you’ve made use of your HH item by posting on Facebook using #NorthMarketHappyHour
  5. See more ways on how to take advantage of HH items by searching #NorthMarketHappyHour on Facebook!


Shop now at North Market while supplies last!

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